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Krissie Cruz

The Texan Abortion Ban

The recent texas abortion ban has been one of the strictest American laws against abortion in what seems like decades. This new abortion law had been passed in May and had recently taken effect on September 1st. This law states that if a woman is six weeks pregnant there is no way for them to have an abortion. This is around the time cardiac activity can be detected in the fetus. There are no exceptions for rape, abuse, or incest. What makes this law even more mindboggling is that the public can sue anyone who gets an abortion or is suspected of “aiding and abetting” abortions. This includes any abortion clinics or even taxi drivers who drive women to get abortions. If the lawsuit is successful they receive a $10,000 prize at the expense of the defendant. So, with all that in mind, what does the public have to say about this outrageous law?

Pro-choice activists were enraged by this law. First and foremost, six weeks is not enough for a woman to find out whether or not they are pregnant. Usually, the first indication that they are pregnant is through late menstruation. Being two weeks late for your period is normal and happens to every woman and it does not always lead to a pregnancy check-up. Doctors oppose this law heavily as the legislation is not all that clear with the “heartbeat of the fetus”. Cardiac activity does not always mean that a heartbeat exists within the fetus. This shows how flimsy the law is. Republican Governor Greg Abbott shows pride within this flawed legislature by signing it and saying “ensures that the life of every unborn child who has a heartbeat will be saved from the ravages of abortion.”

Not only is the ban of abortions despicable, but the incentive to bring civil cases forward regarding other women’s abortions is atrocious. The nonprofit, pro-life organization Texas Right to Life has set up a ‘whistleblower” website where people can submit anonymous tips regarding women having abortions or anyone aiding the act. This brings up the idea that people can essentially be “bounty hunters” for women seeking abortions.

If you thought that the Supreme Court would be the saving grace, you would be wrong. The Supreme Court had recently refused to block the piece of legislature. It was a 5 to 4 vote, with Chief Justice John G Roberts Jr. voting along with the three liberal justices. This is a shocking decision, Justice Sonia Sotomayor had some choice words with the decision saying, “Presented with an application to enjoin a flagrantly unconstitutional law engineered to prohibit women from exercising their constitutional rights and evade judicial scrutiny, a majority of justices have opted to bury their heads in the sand.”

It seems like Uber and Lyft had fought back and protected those seeking abortions more than the federal government has. They had announced in early September that they will cover any legal fees that their drivers will have to deal with if civil lawsuits were made against them regarding the new Texan abortion bans. This makes sure that there is no fear in taking in pregnant women and driving them to other states to help them with abortions.

Reading through the legislature, it is obvious that this is a blatant disregard of a woman’s rights as this not only makes abortion a legal debate but has bled into civil law. This makes pregnant women a target for “bounty hunters”. This clear violation of personal rights should not be a part of a conversation that is often dictated by men in power. The existing patriarchy does not leave room for women to be able to make decisions over their bodies. The current fight for liberation of women’s rights is still a fight that needs to be fought by men, women, and allies.

By: Krissie Cruz


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