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Nicholas Qua

Build Back Better

Updated: Mar 8, 2023

Klaus Schwab & the WEF:

Two years ago, many would be unfamiliar with the name Klaus Schwab. Still, in 2022, this name does not carry any weight for most people. Klaus Schwab was born in 1938 in Germany. A highly educated man, he has a doctorate degree in economics and received many other honorary degrees from several prestigious schools worldwide. Schwab founded the European Management Forum in 1971, later becoming as it is known today, the World Economic Forum in 1987.

Directly from the World Economic Forum (WEF) website, the organization is “an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas” (The World Economic Forum, 2021). WEF leaders, stakeholders, prominent world politicians, journalists, activists, and wealthy elites visit Geneva, Switzerland, for the WEF conference each year. As the head of the board of trustees, Schwab is the only one who can name his successor. This means Schwab and his heirs are the only permanent members of the WEF.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution:

Have you heard any current politician, world leader, or ‘elite’ express the need to Build Back Better? Well, here are many examples of Boris Johnson, Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Bill Gates, Jacinda Ardern, Greta Thunberg, news anchors, journalists, etc.:

Beginning in 2014, Klaus Schwab and the WEF have been discussing the need for a “Great Reset,” a “ New World Government,” or a “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” Here are a few of the many examples from Schwab himself:

The daileyexpose’s Build Back Better (2021) offers a great timeline (2014 to 2021) of the WEF’s intentions to reshape, restart, reboot, and reset the global order. Articles from the WEF website such as We need to press restart on the global economy (Nov 2015) and How to Reboot the Global Economy (Jan 2017) outline the need for a restart and how to do it. In 2018-2019, the WEF, Johns Hopkins & Gates Foundation ran fake pandemic scenarios and the global responses (Exposé, 2021). What is clear is that before the COVID-19 pandemic, the WEF has expressed the need for a ‘reset’ and how to go through with one.

Remember politicians stating the need to Build Back Better from the pandemic? In the article Want to build back better? Let innovators come to you (July 2021) the WEF explains how we can use the pandemic to build back better. This is just one of the many articles, videos, reports, and conferences of Schwab and fellow WEF associates on record vocalizing the importance of the current pandemic to incorporate a New World Economy.

Unsolicited Proposals:

The WEF’s main goals and ideas for a New World Economy seem well-intended. A WEF article Unsolicited proposals: the best to way to build back better (July 2021) uses language such as the need for global inclusion, sustainability and innovation. One of their plans for the future economy is making the private sector (small/large businesses) present to the government through Unsolicited proposals (Unsolicited proposals, 2021). The private sector must obtain approval from the government (based on criteria defined by them) rather than an existing competitive bidding process (Unsolicited proposals, 2021). The government will ultimately decide if a project ‘benefits’ the community based on their definitions.

Why will the private sector have to go to the government for approval? Is it in the name of global inclusion, sustainability, and innovation like the WEF preaches? It could be. But when the private sector or small business obtains approval, how will they be funded? Where is the money coming from? What is the WEF’s view on the future of banking, paper money and digital currency?

Centralized World Bank:

A May 2019 report published from the WEF titled Central Banks and Distributed Ledger Technology: How are Central Banks Exploring Blockchain Today? (May 2019) we get a look into their future ideas of money. In this 14 page report: “ at least 40 central banks around the world are currently (2019), or soon will be, researching and experimenting with central bank digital currency” (Central Banks and Distributed Ledger Technology: How are Central Banks Exploring Blockchain Today?, 2019 pg 4).

The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) functions as a centralized digital World bank while competing with decentralized blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum:

“In many of these CBDC pilots, the central bank issues digital tokens on a distributed ledger that represent, and are redeemable for, central bank reserves in the domestic currency held in a separate account with the central bank. The agents in the system use the CBDC to make interbank transfers that are validated and settled on the distributed ledger.

“In many of these CBDC pilots, the central bank issues digital tokens on a distributed ledger that

represent, and are redeemable for, central bank reserves in the domestic currency held in a separate

account with the central bank. The agents in the system use the CBDC to make interbank transfers that

are validated and settled on the distributed ledger.

The central banks typically use “permissioned” blockchain network implementations, whereby participants

are limited and must be granted access to participate in the network and view the set of transactions. In

contrast, major “permissionless” blockchains, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, allow public participation and

full transaction viewability. Both permissioned and permissionless networks can add privacy and confidentiality

features to mask transaction details where appropriate” (Central Banks and Distributed Ledger Technology: How

are Central Banks Exploring Blockchain Today?, 2019 pg 5).

The WEF states that decentralized blockchains like Bitcoin are “permissionless.” Meaning you do not need to go through the government to receive it. In contrast, to receive digital funds from the CBDC, we need permission or granted access to participate. Under one centralized government bank, they will have full access to your account and what goes in and out. Instead of earning money from the private sector, you will receive the digital funds directly from the government in a “delivery versus payment” system (Central Banks and Distributed Ledger Technology: How are Central Banks Exploring Blockchain Today?, 2019 pg 7).

How, when, and why will the government directly give or subtract a digital payment from one Centralized World Bank? What will happen to paper money?

Alternative Credit Scores:

As we know, “the current credit score system with banks help lenders decide whether or not to approve loan applications. The scores are generated using information from your credit reports, which summarize your borrowing history. Credit scores are designed to make decisions easier for lenders” (Pritchard, 2021).

A January 2021 WEF article titled This new approach to credit scoring is accelerating financial inclusion in emerging economies discusses an alternative to the current credit score model, called the Alternative Credit Score. The article examines the need for a new credit scoring model that, with the help of computer algorithms, will “use alternative data such as social media, electronic transactions, and cellular data to conduct and assess the consumer’s feasibility” (This new approach to credit scoring is accelerating financial inclusion in emerging economies, 2021). The data from the Alternative Credit Score (ACS) will also “help financial institutions make holistic and thorough risk analyses regarding potential consumers through a more comprehensive approach” (This new approach to credit scoring is accelerating financial inclusion in emerging economies, 2021).

Does this alternative credit score sound familiar? Is there a system similar to the ACS? If you can not think of one, I would encourage you to look up the Chinese Communist Party and their Social Credit Score.

WEF & Canada:

During the 2016 annual meeting of the WEF, the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, raves about his relationship with Klaus Schwab and the future of Canada under the WEF.

In a separate clip of Schwab during a John F. Kennedy School of Government meeting in 2017, Schwab brags about how he has ‘penetrated’ all of Trudeau's cabinet with complete positivity:

How many Canadians do you know are aware of this? Shouldn’t something like a powerful institution of WEF’s ‘penetration’ of our sovereign democracy be reported on? Why has the cabinet been so silent about this ‘penetration’?

Not only does Schwab and the WEF influence Trudeau’s cabinet, but he also talks about his massive command over many other countries and world leaders, like the current President of France, Emmanuel Macron.

Chrystia Freeland & The WEF:

Among Trudeau’s cabinet is Chrystia Freeland, the current deputy prime minister of Canada (2019) and the minister of finance (2020). Freeland was not elected to this position, she was appointed to the position by Justin Trudea and his cabinet. Now, does our deputy prime minister and our minister of finance have relations with the WEF? An article from the WEF offers an excellent biography on Freeland while noting she is a current member of the WEF’s Board of Trustees.

What is Freeland and the current government doing right that can give us deeper insight into the future with WEF?

Emergency Powers & FINTRAC:

On February 14, Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act, essentially giving the Federal government full unconstitutional power. Among these unconstitutional powers is the ability of the government to control your bank account. From a CBC article on Febuary 16: “banks and other financial entities (like credit unions, co-ops, loan companies, trusts and cryptocurrency platforms) must stop “providing any financial or related services” to people associated with the protests — a move that will result in frozen accounts, stranded money and cancelled credit cards.”

Freeland explains why and how the government will access individual Canadian banks in chronological order:

Here is a video of Freeland explaining how the truckers’ bank accounts were seized and given to RCMP, along with several individuals who donated through GoFundME and GiveSendGo. “many accounts have been frozen, and many will be frozen.”

Even more scary is this clip right here:

At the 35-sec mark, you will hear Freeland stating the federal government will permanently put some of the new ‘tools’ from the Emergency Act in place. What tools, you ask? Well, she notes one of them is FINTRAC. FINTRAC is a “financial intelligence unit that monitors monetary transactions to identify and prevent illegal activities such as money laundering and financing of terrorist organizations” (Kenton, 2020). Sounds good, right? FINTRAC is what the government used to investigate and seize the truckers’ bank information, and Freeland admitted that FINTRAC will permanently stay, despite the Emergency powers being ‘temporary’?

Do you think these ‘tools’ like FINTRAC will remain in place to be used for good? Does this sound like the beginning of a centralized government bank (previously discussed) where the government has direct access to your account and will actively monitor your spending? They have already used it on Canadian citizens. All of this will go away once the protest is dealt with, right? Probably not. Again, Freeland stated herself FINTRAC will remain permanently.

Here is what the interim police chief of Ottawa has to say about the protestors:

Words directly from the police chief about protestors who have retreated: “Anyone involved in this protest, we will actively identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges.” But, there must be a way for the citizens to get their accounts back and unfrozen, right? Do not fear, Freeland summarizes how citizens can avoid sanctions and bank seizures:

In her own words: “the way you get your account unfrozen is to stop being a part of these ‘illegal’ blockades.” She says it herself, clear as day. Stop protesting, or we will take control of your bank account.

But this is only for the TruckerConvoy, right? We will see. Some of these emergency ‘tools’ are permanently in place, what stops the government from using them for reasons other than these ‘illegal’ protests? Will they be used on future protests or Canadian citizens who disagree with the government? Who is in charge of deeming a protest and participators ‘unlawful’? Time will tell.


Almost all information I found about the WEF was from their websites, articles and videos. I am here to show you the direction they are going in. A “New Global Economy” where the government controls the private sector, direct access and monitoring of your bank account, one Centralized World Bank (CBDC), and an Alternative Credit Score. We now know the WEF has ‘penetrated’ almost all of Trudeau’s cabinet, including Chrystia Freeland, who is on the WEF’s Board of Trustees. We also know, with the TruckerConvoy, that the same government implemented tools to monitor and freeze bank accounts.

Check out WEF articles, videos, reports, and conference meetings to look into our future. The WEF is open and transparent about its goals and aspirations for the future.

Cited Sources: Cited Sources:

  1. Bloomberg Markets and Finance. (2021). WEF Founder Schwab on Pandemic Recovery, Inequality, Climate. In YouTube.

  2. Central Banks and Distributed Ledger Technology: How are Central Banks Exploring Blockchain Today? (2019). The World Economic Forum. Polygon.

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  4. Covid-19 pandemic has only accelerated trends like lack of inclusion, WEF founder says. (2020, July 14).

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  11. Pritchard, J. (2021, September 29). How Credit Scores Work and What They Say About You. The Balance.

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By: Nicholas Qua


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