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Mejgan Shefa

TThe COVID-19 pandemic was not kind to Ontario’s healthcare system. A backlog of surgical procedures is amid the myriad of healthcare issues that are becoming ever evident to the public. To address this backlog, Premier Doug Ford announced that his government would move to increase the use of for-profit private surgical clinics...

Mar 8, 2023

Multipolar Marauder

Mejgan Shefa

The arrest and death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini sparked the protests. Morality police arrested her on September 13th for allegedly violating Iran’s laws which require women to cover their hair. The police report stated she suffered from a heart attack; however, alleged evidence indicates Amini was beaten on the head...

Feb 6, 2023


Nicholas Qua

Excess death is measured by: “the difference between reported number of deaths in a given week or month (depending on the country) in 2020–2022 and an estimate of the expected deaths for that period had the COVID-19 pandemic not occurred”. Definitions and measurements will vary from source to source. Generally speaking, excess deaths “are typically defined as the difference between the observed...

Multipolar Marauder

Dec 3, 2022

Multipolar Marauder

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